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Thursday 26 February 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I like reading and writing these things; this is one that's been floating around Facebook for the last couple of months... Not that it's likely to be of interest to other random people, but you never know!

1. I think brown M&M's somehow taste better than the other colours.

2. Coriander makes me want to hurl. Just the smell of the stuff is enough - it's just... euughh *shudder*

3. I enjoy resting and relaxing, I like having had a good sleep, but do not like setting aside extra time in order to sleep. There are other things I want to do instead.

4. I desperately want to live overseas with my family, in the next ten years, but the very thought of organising this and going through with it terrifies me.

5. My mum always reckoned that I enjoy reading so much, I'd read a bus ticket if there was no other printed word available. She's probably right.

6. Since having children of my own, there have been significantly more instances where I've found myself realising that Mum was indeed right.

7. Another goal of mine is to learn to spin and dye yarn well enough to make a living from this.

8. I strongly believe that if you do something you love to earn money, you don't have a 'job' to do, per se.

9. I try hard not to complain, especially about things you cannot change. I hate it when people complain about the weather, particularly.

10. Pete is the most optimistic person I know.

11. I do the best I can in everything, for my family. They are who I want to be impressed by anything I've done.

12. I still find it really hard to wrap my head around the fact that I grew two fully functioning people, their bodies and their personalities, inside my body. It truly amazes me when I look at my children and how quickly they change, learn and grow.

13. I love the fact that I'm wearing socks that I knit myself. I also love the reactions I get from people when they find out that I've actually put the work into knitting said socks, instead of wearing something bought for a couple of dollars at Big W. I'm wearing something unique - a work of art.

14. Infomercials played in the early hours of the morning are a crack-up, but very dangerous. I find myself thinking in weaker moments, "Yeah, we should totally get an AeroGarden!" (I actually do think that now). The other product I've warmed to is the Magic Bullet...

15. I'm nowhere near fashionable, and have always been quite odd-looking, in terms of clothes. I sometimes wish I knew better how to put an outfit together.

16. I'm pretty sure I'll end up looking like an aging hippy/crazy cat lady as I get older. I'm certain I'll never be one of the 'cool' mums.

17. I'm quite pleased with my streak of grey hair, and hope it will grow into quite a decent skunk-stripe.

18. If I wasn't a teacher, I'd seriously consider dying my hair in any number of loud colours.

19. The need for cars annoys me. I wish someone would invent teleporters.

20. I would love to have a scooter to drive around locally.

21. I talk back to the television on a regular basis. I have been known to shout, at times.

22. It depresses me when my garden gets overgrown. Our front yard looks like all it's missing is a lounge on the front porch-y bit, and a shitbox car up on blocks.

23. I like to do a weird little dance to the instrumental parts of James Brown's "I Feel Good". It's not attractive.

24. I always, always cry at the end of 'Forrest Gump' and 'The Beatles Anthology'.

25. I wish I had the skills to build/fix things around the house.

So there you go. If you've made it this far, you'll find that you've wasted several minutes of your life. You might want to copy, paste and rewrite with your own answers on your blog, or on your Facebook profile. Good for you. I don't mind where ya go, but ya can't stay here.

Or you can, but there's not much going on at all!

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