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Saturday 2 May 2009

New hat - now what?

Firstly, a big Happy Birthday to my darling husband. A prince among men, and a lunatic among sane people. Hope you've had a lovely day, honey; despite getting over illness and helping to deal with sick kidlets these last few days. Big kisses!
Pictured next to Pete, on the left, is our good friend and one big bag o'crazy, Stevie G. Happy Birthday also to him, for May 1st.

And secondly, to quote Professor Farnsworth of Futurama fame, "Good news, everyone!"
I've finished my version of Yarn Harlot's "Not Original Hat"!I'm assisted in the modelling by young WonderBoy, who announced to his auntie on the phone, "Mummy's wearing a crazy hat!"

It's a good, quick knit with a well-written pattern that's
easy to read and follow. I did get a bit unco handling 8mm dpns, though - plus a cable needle. I have to say, I'm more dexterous when handling smaller dpns. But, this won't stop me knitting this again. I'm going to try knitting it in a (slightly) finer gauge yarn with smaller needles, and see if I can come up with a version that'll fit Lola-Frog. She's a hearty lass; as of today, she's thirteen weeks and six days old, and I put her to bed tonight in a size zero WonderSuit! So I figure that a hat only a little smaller than mine should fit her before long. I'd much prefer something a bit too big than too little.

And now, back to WonderBoy's Weasley Sweater. I'd like to complete the front side before I crack on with the May squares for the 2009 Blanket.

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