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Saturday 3 January 2009

Happy New Year

I had intended on just one more December post before this, but with Christmas being such a busy time... I don't know how Stephanie Pearl-McPhee does it! She manages to add photos and text to her blog, regardless of how long her Christmas knitting list is getting, no matter what family crisis may be occurring (the most recent is the sad demise and removal of the Honourable Sir Washie on New Years' Day). My hat goes off to her, as always.

We're on the countdown now. According to my dates, there are merely ten days
between me and the birth of our second child, but as always with babies, Little One could join us any day in the next three weeks. I'm terribly excited, and can't wait to meet our new arrival...

... and have been knitting my way over Christmas and New Year's, preparing another two little jackets.

This is the Debbie Bliss Duffel Coat, from her book 'Essential Baby'. One of the most economical garments I've knit, the yarn is Cleckheaton Country 8 ply Heathers that I liberated from my Mum's stash and the pattern book was borrowed from Mum, as well. It's a lovely little coat that knit up quite quickly, and I hope that Little One gets lots of wear out of it this year.

This work in progress is a little Garter Stitch Wrap Top by Erika Knight, from her book 'Simple Knits For Cherished Babies'. I had been searching for a baby knit to use up the rest of the delicious mediumweight sock yarn from Blue Moon Fibre Arts that I used for 'Baby Mine', and on Christmas Day at Mum and Dad's, I cast on, hoping I had enough yarn left. These photos were taken as I was praying I had enough yarn to complete the jacket, which is why I haven't added it to my projects list in Ravelry yet - I'm only a few rows off finished and now I'm wishing for there to be enough yarn!

Next up? My hospital knitting project/s... the first square of my Oddball Sampler Afghan (I received several balls of WOOLganic Organic Merino 8 ply for Christmas), and a Clapotis for me. In the distance is a new jumper for WonderBoy. New Year's Knitting Resolutions? Probably... watch this space for news of Little One's arrival...

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