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Saturday 8 August 2009


Done, and done.

We have July squares! Ends woven, blocked and dry. Looking lovely.

Here's Square One, knit at Lola-Frog's hospital bedside. I like to think it represents the high temperatures she was experiencing at the time of her pneumonia. Let's call it 'Fever', shall we?
This is Square Two, possibly the result of some hallucinations on my part after looking through a lovely book of children's knits given to me by our friends Sam and Stevie. I saw several beautiful Fair Isle jumper patterns and thought 'hey, I could incorporate that into a square for the blanket'. Mistake? Possibly, but how many mistakes could it be said turn out this well? Not too many. I'm pretty pleased with it, I have to say.
And now, Square Three. I've now knit L, O and R, and still have four more letters to go. Kinda getting a little tired of knitting the same thing over and over, but I think it'll look pretty good when all done - I hope!
I still have to knit the thumbs onto the pair of Fetchings I've knit for a good friend's birthday (which was waaaay back in July - bad me!), but I've still cast on the DK cotton I dyed awhile back to knit a wee summer dress for Lola-Frog. After that? There are plans afoot for a thick, chunky cabled scarf for another friend who will be living a New York winter - I think she'll need it!

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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